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ew 2024: ASUS Empowers Edge Computing at Scale

Nick Chang, IoT Associate Director for ASUS, a leading motherboard provider, discusses how users can deploy AI edge computing applications in ruggedized and harsh environments at embedded world 2024.


Tell us more about ASUS and its customers.

Nick Chang: I would say we cover in different sectors and verticals. So mainly, smart manufacturing, smart retail, and smart medical. Yeah, so those kind of verticals, I think due to our uncompromised qualities and fearless ruggedized design, we are able to help them to enable all kind of function they would like to have in their robust and harsh environment. So that’s the product advantage we provide to them.

Why does ASUS partner with Intel to provide these advanced capabilities?

Nick Chang: For ASUS itself, definitely we are not able to cover everything, but we partner with Intel. Intel have very advanced technology, like the Intel® Arc Graphics that integrate with our, I would say, ruggedized box PC for example, like this one, P3000. So we are able to provide entire streaming videos like analytics, and also the detection. So I think that’s something none of others able to provide. So that’s why Intel, ASUS partner together. We provide advanced technology, really good product, quality product to the market.

How does ASUS IoT standout from other offerings in the market?

Nick Chang: For some of the applications, customer they need the real-time video streaming, and also have the data to be analytics, and also provide, no matter provide from the cloud or the edge, then you are able to have the no compromise, no delays. So that kind of situations we can work with the Intels. Then with no matter their graphics, like Intel Arc, or the technology of the entire streaming, so integrated with our bus PC. But I think besides the Intel providing the technology, we ASUS IoT also coverage was the hardware, like the robust hardware, like our P3000, because a customer, they would need very compact size. But for other of our competitors, mainly they only provide like the wow, really huge monster. But that not going to work.

How does ASUS meet different customer requirements?

Nick Chang: So I going to show you something else. Actually for the Intel Amston Lake, that’s really good solutions, because for some of the customer, they don’t really need a high power consumptions. They don’t want to really have the wrong high performance, but mainly low power consumptions, but able to help them to have a compact size as some kind of simple solutions. For example, like a digital signage and IoT gateway. So I think those factors give us really good opportunity to address to those markets. For example, like the ones I put it on my hands, you can see how small it is. So this is the ones we going to base on the Intel Amston Lake to address to the market. So definitely, I think it will be the breakthroughs to the world and to the industry.

What can customers take away from ASUS at embedded world 2024?

Nick Chang: We are working with Intel in different business from the CCG, and DCAI, also the next G. So we coverage not just embedded, we also have the server, we also have AI. So we want to provide a complete solutions to help our partner to enable their experience in the industry, and providing different type of the solutions, and also enrich the life, simplify their productivity. So I think that will be our vision and our goal to this industry.

About the Author

Brandon is a long-time contributor to going back to its days as Embedded Innovator, with more than a decade of high-tech journalism and media experience in previous roles as Editor-in-Chief of electronics engineering publication Embedded Computing Design, co-host of the Embedded Insiders podcast, and co-chair of live and virtual events such as Industrial IoT University at Sensors Expo and the IoT Device Security Conference. Brandon currently serves as marketing officer for electronic hardware standards organization, PICMG, where he helps evangelize the use of open standards-based technology. Brandon’s coverage focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, embedded processors, edge computing, prototyping kits, and safety-critical systems, but extends to any topic of interest to the electronic design community. Drop him a line at, DM him on Twitter @techielew, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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