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Paid Sponsorship Opportunities

With 83,200 active subscribers and more than 69,000 prospects delivered to partners in 2023, is the always-on digital platform designed to generate leads for Gold and Titanium Intel® Partner Alliance Members.

Promote your brand and solutions to an engaged audience and generate leads using one of our proven content marketing packages.

Campaign Type Content Assets Activation on Content Creation Only Content Syndication* Content Creation & Syndication Total Content & Lead Generation
Content Assets
  • Article
  • Social Media Kit
Activation on Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter
Content Creation Only $13,800
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $22,800
  • Article
  • Social Media Kit
Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter $13,800 $9,000 $22,800 Content & Lead Generation
Content Assets
  • Article Series (3)
  • eBook (from Article Series)
  • Social Media Kit
Activation on Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter
Content Creation Only $33,600
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $42,600
  • Article Series (3)
  • eBook (from Article Series)
  • Social Media Kit
$33,600 $9,000 $42,600 Thought Leadership Content & Lead Generation
Content Assets
  • Podcast Episode
  • Social Media Kit
Activation on Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter
Content Creation Only $15,000
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $24,000
  • Podcast Episode
  • Social Media Kit
$15,000 $9,000 $24,000 Thought Leadership Content & Lead Generation
Content Assets
  • Podcast Episode
  • Insider Perspective (Q&A-style derivative article)
  • Social Media Kit
Activation on Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter
Content Creation Only $21,850
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $30,850
  • Podcast Episode
  • Insider Perspective (Q&A-style derivative article)
  • Social Media Kit
$21,850 $9,000 $30,850 Content Bundle & Lead Generation
Content Assets
  • Article Series (3)
  • eBook (from Article Series)
  • Podcast Episode
  • Social Media Kit
Activation on Published to portal, 2 organic @insightdottech tweets, feature in monthly newsletter
Content Creation Only $45,250
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $54,250
  • Article Series (3)
  • eBook (from Article Series)
  • Podcast Episode
  • Social Media Kit
$45,250 $9,000 $54,250
Lead Generation Only (Existing Asset)
Content Assets Guaranteed Lead Program Using Asset
Activation on NA
Content Creation Only NA
Content Syndication $12,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $12,000
Guaranteed Lead Program Using Asset NA NA $12,000 $12,000
Lead Generation Only (Existing Asset)
Content Assets Guaranteed Lead Program Using Client-Provided Asset**
Activation on NA
Content Creation Only NA
Content Syndication $12,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $12,000
Guaranteed Lead Program Using Client-Provided Asset** NA NA $12,000 $12,000
Partner Branded/Co-Branded Content & Lead Generation
Content Assets Choice of Solution/Business Brief
Activation on NA
Content Creation Only $15,000
Content Syndication $9,000
Content Creation & Syndication Total $24,000
Choice of Solution/Business Brief NA $15,000 $9,000 $24,000
Looking for a Custom Campaign Aligned to Your Goals? Ask Us!

*Based on 100 guaranteed leads (minimum), higher lead volumes are available at $83 CPL
**IMP-SF to review/confirm suitability of client-provided asset

This program may qualify for co-marketing, market development funds (MDF) as part of the Intel® Partner Alliance—IOT Program—a benefit exclusive to Gold and/or Platinum Members. If you have questions regarding your company’s MDF benefits, or wish to request access to your company’s MDF information, please email

Description of Offerings

Article: Article is 800-1,000 words and includes hero imagery and graphics/charts within body copy. The article is published on and provided as a PDF for syndication. 

eBook: Compiled from the three-article series; includes an introduction and graphics and is delivered in a 6- to 8-page PDF format.

Podcast Episode: Special edition 30-minute episode featuring a conversation between an editorial director and Partner’s subject matter expert.

Insider Perspective: Published natively as an article on and as a 2-page PDF derived from the content produced in the podcast episode.

Social Media Kit: PDF with social posts customized for the asset(s) and sponsoring company, based on company’s social handles and social activity. Includes relevant hashtags and handles.

Choice of Solution/Business Brief: Up to 4 pages, informed by 1-2 interviews; includes hero image, 2-3 interior graphics, and two (2) rounds of review/edits.

Custom packages are available based on Partner’s program objectives and budget.

Guaranteed Lead Generation

Partners can generate high-quality leads for their solutions by promoting their content through the guaranteed lead program. The program is run through Activate, a leader in B2B demand generation, and offers targeting based on the partners' ideal customer profile. Partners will receive 100 leads (minimum), and can scale up based on their business needs. Leads are delivered through the Intel partner portal.

In addition, Partners can republish the content on other channels—such as their own website —and integrate it into their marketing campaigns.

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