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Safety and Security Trends: How SIs Succeed

Vision, Safety and Security

“We aspire to be a beacon in the industry, leading innovation in a responsible and sustainable direction. One of the things we look at is how we can transform video technology in a way that it’s used in the security industry, but also in other applications.”

Such is the heartfelt vision of Thomas Jensen, CEO of Milestone Systems—a global leader within open-platform video management software. This transformation goes beyond products to creating real value for customers and for society.

Today’s video technology is capable of so much more than creating evidence to catch bad guys.

One example is how citywide traffic infrastructure can go further than issuing red-light jumping and speeding citations, to monitoring rush hour density on city streets. As roads get more congested during more hours of the day, using video, authorities can redirect traffic through less crowded roadways.

“We’re looking at the ways we can transform how our technology is being used,” says Jensen. “How can we reduce pollution? How can we reduce time spent on roads during rush hour? We want to contribute to the well-being of citizens by doing something meaningful for society and the environment.”

Ecosystem for Video Solutions

Because no single vendor can deliver on this promise, Milestone embraces and promotes a partner ecosystem through open platforms, matchmaking, and enablement. These partnerships encompass the entire food chain, from technology integration, to sales, services, and support.

It starts with the company’s Milestone XProtect video management software (VMS). The open platform enables technology vendors and systems integrators to build solutions around camera manufacturers, application providers, and software developers, all working to create integrations and extensions to XProtect (Video 1).

Video 1. Open platforms and partnerships provide flexible, expandable video solutions. (Source: Milestone)

The second element is the Milestone Marketplace, an ecosystem of software, hardware, and service providers. Technology partners can find one another to integrate solutions, and customers can find the solutions, applications, and market expertise they need.

“We work with partners across the ecosystem… anywhere from IoT and sensor providers to big data analytics companies,” says Jensen. “Together, they can process all the data coming from the cameras to our software into actionable knowledge that customers can use to drive business outcomes and value.”

For example, companies that have specific use cases in traffic management, traffic monitoring, or emergency response can connect to build solutions. The Milestone ecosystem includes more than 600 product and service offerings using popular technologies such as analytics, access control systems, management and operator software, and IT infrastructure.

The third leg of the stool is the Milestone Channel Partner Program, which supports the technology providers and integrators that are bringing these integrated solutions to their customers.

Jensen sees the combination of these three elements as the path forward to achieving the company vision to drive video innovations in a responsible direction—for both safe and sustainable communities—and the best possible solutions and business outcomes.

“Our view of video technology and the accelerated innovation we see has to be built around responsible technology and a universal approach.” —@tjensen1973, @milestonesys via @insightdottech

Systems Integrators Extend Their Reach

Expanding their video offerings beyond traditional safety and security offers new business opportunities for systems integrators.

“As technology advances, you see more sophisticated systems, sensors, IoT devices, and so forth, expanding video use cases across verticals,” says Jensen. “Video specialists will find these opportunities in selling business outcomes versus products, and by looking to new applications, gaining more traction in their key verticals.”

SIs understand the specific needs of their particular industry. Milestone provides the platform for technology partners and integrators that have the right competencies to deliver the solutions for customers.

The healthcare segment is a good example of how this is happening. Adding new tech like AI-enabled software can provide real-time fall detection—preventing or minimizing injuries to the elderly or other at-risk patients. Expanding existing video infrastructure provides increased patient safety, measurable benefits to hospitals and clinics, plus new opportunities for healthcare SIs.

Shared Outlook for the Future

Jensen describes Milestone’s partnership with Intel as a match made in heaven. The company’s vision for the future is well aligned with Intel’s RISE strategy—to create a more responsible, inclusive, and sustainable world—enabled through technology. And the underlying technology ensures the system performance and reliability that video solutions need.

“It’s important to recognize the partnership we have with Intel, but also with all of our integration partners in the industry,” says Jensen. “And I want to stress that our view of video technology and the accelerated innovation we see has to be built around responsible technology and a universal approach. This is how we run Milestone.”

About the Author

Georganne Benesch is an Editorial Director for Before this she was an independent writer, authoring blogs, web content, solution guides, white papers and more. Prior to her freelance career Georganne held product management and marketing positions at companies such as Cisco, Proxim and Netopia. She earned a B.A. at University of California at Santa Cruz.

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