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Your guide to embedded world 2024
The premier exhibition and conference for the global embedded community, embedded world 2024, took place from April 9 to 11 in Nuremberg, Germany. Attendees had a chance to connect, learn, and immerse themselves in the world of embedded systems. For those unable to attend in person, the embedded world 2024 digital event platform provided numerous virtual opportunities to participate and stay informed. Continue to follow as we deliver videos, industry updates, and the latest news from experts driving innovation in the embedded space.
A large crowd of people walking around a conference event floor.
Five key highlights from embedded world
Cutting-edge technologies and emerging trends
Attendees experienced a record number of keynotes, contributions, and speakers, gaining direct insights into the latest innovations in edge AI, hardware, systems, tools, electronic displays, security, and more.
Innovation from major companies
The exhibition hall showcased the latest embedded products, technologies, and solutions from leading companies. Attendees engaged directly with company representatives, gaining deeper insights and exploring potential partnership opportunities.
Hands-on experience
Booths offered live demonstrations, product experiences, and get hands-on opportunities. Intel ecosystem partners showcased the latest embedded advancements, featuring Intel® Market Ready Solutions and RFP Ready Kits.
Expanded embedded knowledge
Diverse keynotes, presentations, and workshops covered various embedded topics, providing attendees with valuable educational resources and insights.
Networking with industry thought leaders
Networking events facilitated connects with peers and industry experts, offering attendees fresh insights, new perspectives, and opportunities to expand their professional network.
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